Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Messing around with strobes

Hey everyone, so lately in California there have been some really insane clouds, which is very unusual for this state. I took advantage of this and went to a friend's house and decided to use some of his strobes; try some different stuff. There is a photographer that I have been doing some research on by the name of David Hill, his stuff is extremely unique and very gritty and animated looking, so that was the theme I was trying to go for. We set up the lights and I was looking through Brandon's garage and found this really cool looking bow and arrow. I told my other friend Cooper to model as a Gladiator and he did but was distracted within minutes with actually shooting the bow and arrows into apples and water bottles nearby. My other friend Brandon wanted some shots done for the upcoming winter season, so I shot him with his snowboard gear; goggles and all. Although my friends weren't the most "experienced" models to work with, it was quite a fun little experiment and I somewhat got the look I was aiming for. I hope you enjoy.

So this was the setup that I used. Except on one of the side lights I did not have an umbrella on it, because we only had 2 umbrellas but 3 strobes.

This is my Friend Brandon and we just setup in the driveway of his house.
My Friend Cooper pretending he just got back from battle. (Yes, he was actually screaming, can't you tell with the spit in his mouth.)

Cooper again, Pretending to Snipe his fierce Opponents, Across the street.


Anonymous said...

sick pics jake n coop !! i am next okay? i am gonna make you famous for having my pics!

Megan R. Vint said...

Cooper is stupppiiiidddd
Baby your talent is way too good for Cooper.

I should model for you instead.