Monday, February 11, 2008


Kendo or ''way of the sword'' the Japanese martial art of fencing. The movements in kendo are different from European fencing because the design of the sword is different, as is the way it is used. Unlike western style fencing, Kendo employs strikes with a defined 'edge' and tip of the shinai. Kendo training is quite noisy in comparison to other martial arts or sports. This is because kendōka use a shout, or kiai, to express their spirit, and when a strike or cut is performed, the front foot contacts the floor in a motion similar to stamping. To win a fight, you must hit your opponent on the head or stab them in the torso, or hit your forearm its a lot more challanging then you might think.

This indicates the protection that the kenjutsu wear.

I went to this kendo tournament knowing absolutely nothing about this mentally grueling sport. I soon learned alot and now appriciate and respect it in all ways. Enjoy the photos.

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